Earlier today I was thinking about that movie The Sweetest Thing, which it's no joke, I really think it's stupid. I watched only some scenes and realized it was about promiscuous girls who got tired of the "game" and started wondering that maybe the time had come to consider the "serious" thing. So I never watched it in its entirety. Because I don't think it's cool to treat that as something normal, like, "Hey, Neo, it just sounds like you need to unplug and see the comedy in horror". I'd rather do that watching Tales from the Crypt, where the outcome is never "good", so I find myself with Her on the couch laughing. Maybe for not wanting to talk to me, Lilo fell into the trap and thought she could "relax". And I noticed how Angel hardly "smiles".
I didn't know her mom was an animal activist... I think now I have a clue why she was in Quadra with me. Don't you understand? Those souls have a natural ability to suspect there's something wrong with the world.
By the way, the vampires are back.
I've just woken up with them destroying me.